20 of the Most Fun Games on Your Smartphone

by Ryan O. There are several mobile games for our smartphones, but with games coming out every week, it’s hard to tell what’s good and what’s worth our...

Ready Player One Challenge: The Maze: Complete

If Anyone Else Says They Won the Hollywood Ready Player One Challenge: The Maze, They Are Lying Because I Did Update: Our obsessive and mostly literate staff put...

Top Ten Decor ideas for your Gaming Desk

By Ryan O. Desks are not only a place for work, they are also a place to play, and gaming desks are getting more personalized with different gear...

Top 9 Real Life Easter Eggs

Hidden Treasures in Strange Locales From hidden humor in product advertising to poignant artistic installations in outlandish places, the world around us contains amazing rewards for the discerning...
Trendy I Shaped Kitchen

Top Tips for Remodeling Your Kitchen

Remodeling your kitchen is on your list of things to do, but just where do you start? Most homeowners will start in one of two places. They’ll...

How To Avoid Getting Sold by a Salesman

At one of my old sales jobs, my boss said something to the effect of: “A sale is when there has been a transfer of emotion.” To...

Unbelievable Landlord Property Management Nightmare

Dealing With Bad Tenants Can Be A Nightmare Issues with tenants are problematic for virtually every landlord at one time or another. But the right answer isn’t always...

How to Win at Blackjack by the Numbers

Ultimately in any gambling situation, the odds are stacked in the House’s favor, but if you want to be entertained and make your money last,...

The most comprehensive character questionnaire for your next tabletop or LARP character

When most people try to build a new character build for their tabletop game, they pretty much stick to some basic tenets of their character:...

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

by Ryan O. Let’s face it: Every year, we have a new year’s resolution, which is some promise to ourselves to make ourselves better whether it’s hitting the...