Washing Your Home

You know you have to do it, right? If you are having trouble selling your home, it is inexplicably appearing drab, or the neighbors have signed a petition...

A Tree’s Life after Christmas

It can keep on giving Christmas is rapidly approaching and you may or may not have chosen a tree for your home yet. This story is for the proponents...

Control Your Water Bill

How to conserve water and save money It’s sad to know that there are people who defiantly ignore calls to conserve water. Even in the face of a...

The Cat Tree Necessity

Understand why your kitty needs a tree-like playground When we take animals out of their natural habitat with the intent to make them pets, it is our responsibility...

Sly Cleaning for the Guy Well-Meaning

Having company? Conjure a “clean” illusion in 5 minutes! If you’re like me, you’re conscientious as to how your apartment appears to guests. I may be one of...

Book Storage Solutions For The Modern Home

The Importance of Literature You’ve bought books throughout your entire life. You’re a bit of a collector and have amassed quite a nice collection of books. You love...