
Unbelievable Landlord Property Management Nightmare

Dealing With Bad Tenants Can Be A Nightmare Issues with tenants are problematic for virtually every landlord at one time or another. But the right answer isn’t always...

Sly Cleaning for the Guy Well-Meaning

Having company? Conjure a “clean” illusion in 5 minutes! If you’re like me, you’re conscientious as to how your apartment appears to guests. I may be one of...

Fall In, Turn Up and Stretch Out

Choosing a Recliner It’s hard to believe that the original recliner was introduced in the 1920’s. We didn’t even have internet then… or TV… was the wheel invented?...

A Tree’s Life after Christmas

It can keep on giving Christmas is rapidly approaching and you may or may not have chosen a tree for your home yet. This story is for the proponents...

The Cat Tree Necessity

Understand why your kitty needs a tree-like playground When we take animals out of their natural habitat with the intent to make them pets, it is our responsibility...

An Indoor Fountain?

The benefits for homes & businesses The soothing ambiance and gentle rushing sound of an indoor fountain promotes a sense of relaxation in both offices and homes. In...